About this fundraiser

Well, here i am again. When the crisis with Wayne and Mom settled down last year I thought we would have a chance to move forward and recover, but it didn't turn out that way.  Wayne returned to work for a few weeks and started developing severe back pain again. Post laminectomy syndrome resulting from his back surgery two years ago.

As hard as he tried, he was unable to work.  FMLA used up, the company terminated his employment, all benefits, and disability insurance ended. Because he was on medical leave unemployment was unavailable. Since April 4, 2022, he's been undergoing many types of treatments to manage his pain.  None have worked thus far.  It was obvious he was unable to work at all.. We made the decision to file for Social Security Disability. Even with an attorney we are still waiting for approval. I've no idea how much longer we'll be waiting. 

The cost of his medical care has emptied our accounts. ALL OF THEM, including our retirement accounts. We're paying medical insurance out of our pocket. The marketplace is not cheap like people think. My income isn't keeping us above water.  I've been doing extra odd jobs, craft fairs and markets with Wayne's woodcraft, and donating plasma to add additional income.  We've been to various places filing for assistance and doing all we can to get through this. It's not for a lack of trying.

I've put this off as long as i can, and it's so hard to do this, but I threw my pride away a long time ago. We're officially a sinking ship..  If it's in your heart... here i am... asking for your help... again.  If you're unable your prayers are very much appreciated too.

Organized by

Amanda Adams

Spring Branch, TX, USA
