About this fundraiser

Michelle was admitted into the ICU after collapsing at home. She has suffered a heart attack and a stroke. She also has bacterial meningitis. She needs surgery for her heart but would not be able to survive so the doctors are hopeful that 6 weeks of IV antibiotics will suffice. Her breathing tube was successfully removed and she is trying to communicate with us. She will be in the hospital for at least a month and then go to a rehabilitation center to regain as much as she can from the effects of the stroke, which are still unclear at this time. She has a very long journey ahead of her. Before all of this happened, she was about to start dialysis for stage 5 kidney disease. She will more than likely begin that soon. We have so many things to sort out including her current and upcoming medical bills, help with Nikolas (her 19 year old son with special needs), our schedules so we can be with her, and so much more.  Please consider donating to help Michelle.  Any amount is appreciated. Anyone that knows Michelle knows that she is the first to help others, any chance she has. Now she needs our help. 

Organized by

Melanie Redmond-Mulholland

Newnan, GA, USA
