About this fundraiser

Our family's world was shattered by a perfect storm of medical crises, financial devastation, and the heart-wrenching ordeal of parental alienation. My wife, a survivor of domestic abuse, found refuge in my home, bringing with her two young daughters and her father, a heart attack and stroke survivor. I embraced them as my own, creating a loving and supportive environment.

However, this fragile happiness was shattered when my wife's ex-husband, a man with a history of violence and substance abuse, was granted custody of their children. A calculated campaign of parental alienation ensued, poisoning the minds of my stepdaughters against their mother and a once beautiful relationship with their grandfather, erased. They were subjected to a barrage of lies and manipulation, creating an insurmountable emotional barrier between them and their mother.

We have poured our hearts and souls into fighting for the return of my wife’s children. To date, we have spent over $300,000 in legal fees alone, a staggering sum that has drained our resources and left us financially destitute.

 Despite these immense challenges, we refuse to give up. My love for my stepdaughters is unwavering, my wife is the most beautiful amazing mother,  and I am determined to reunite my wife with her daughter, guiding them to grow into confident successful young woman.  

While we have been battling this legal nightmare, my wife's health has plummeted. A severe car accident and subsequent kidney disease diagnosis have left her unable to care for herself, let alone fight for her children's return. Our son, Philip, born amidst this chaos, is a beacon of hope, but the overwhelming weight of medical bills, legal fees, and everyday expenses has pushed us to the brink of despair.

Your support will provide the necessary resources for my wife's medical care, a desperately needed reconstruction surgery, procedures for her spine,  and our son's well-being.  We have literally exhausted every resource we have, and need your help to break the chains of parental alienation. Your generous donation will fund critical legal support to expose the truth and ensure two little girls can have a mom again.  Today, her ex refuses to allow my wife to even see her children, even with a legal custody order in place, but we just don’t have the resources to fight anymore. 

With your compassion and support, we can overcome these unimaginable challenges and rebuild our family. Thank you for your belief in our journey to healing and restoration.

If you would like to be added to a private telegram channel for legal status updates and medical updates, email us at [email protected]

Organized by


Austin, TX, USA
