About this fundraiser

After mourning the loss of our son and daughter, I'd really love to live a normal life. My body didn't take to the tubal ligation, and so every 20-25 days I have an insane amount of bleeding and pain (that stretches worse with every cycle as time goes on) which makes life hard to live through sometimes. I can get this fixed and go back to normal again with a $7,000 tubal repair surgery that has to be paid all up front, and NO insurances will cover it (even if I'm an internal bleed/rupture risk). I can't get a job because then my kids lose their state medical coverage. I can't get a loan because I have active disputes on credit karma. We could save our own money and will try to, but that could take over a year. With every 20-25 days this occurs and gets worse and worse... a year feels like torture, and I don't even want to imagine it. What the hell can I do here? Get a job under the table (illegally? no) -- a gofundme ? I dunno I am trying it though -- I can either have others help me- maybe pay em' back monthly- or we can save money for as long as it takes and I can suffer every period deathly afraid of rupture, bleeding and harsh pain which keeps me from interacting with my children properly. I'm stuck. I'm sad. I'm scared. I just want my life to be better after losing our babies. Its hard to grieve mentally when physically I am in such horror. I will try to be strong. But if you know anyone who maybe be able to help me- please send them my way. I will ask, beg, and do whatever I must to be the strong mother for my kids thats they deserve.

Organized by

Ashley Maurer

Cincinnati, OH, USA


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