About this fundraiser

I'm raising money for an Attorney to help with reinstating my Nursing License so I can get back to assisting those in need. 

I've been a nurse for 15yrs. I worked in the height of Covid and then some. It put a strain on my family, as I was caring for others and putting in up to 16 hrs a day 5 to 7 days a week.  I became depressed and, unfortunately on 9-1-23 I attempted suicide. I haven't worked since then as I signed an agreement with the BON stating I wouldn't practice until I received the proper care that I needed. The BON kinda forgot about me, until I reached out to them. They did not want to accept my providers letter stating I was safe to practice nursing.  They wanted me to sign and agree to terms that were outdated. I declined and decided to FIGHT for what is Right. Unfortunately I don't speak legal lingo and need YOUR HELP FOR AN ATTORNEY.  Anything helps. If you're an Attorney and do Pro Bono or cheap monthly payments that would help as well. Thanks in Advance. 


Organized by

Wanna Delancey

Colorado Springs, CO, USA


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