About this fundraiser

In January, 2024, my dear friend Vanessa learned that she had breast cancer. She decided to do a double mastectomy because test results showed she had small cells on the other breast. She lost her mom to Breast cancer about 5 years ago. A few years later her daughter was diagnosed with Lupus. Then breast cancer. She died from the breast cancer. All in the same year.  
Vanessa also suffers from chronic pain in her lower back and hips making it difficult to even use her walker most days. She’s starting her cancer treatments (both chemotherapy and radiation) in a couple of weeks. I would like to get her a caregiver to come in and just help her out as needed. She’s been trying to get disability, but it’s been an uphill battle. She currently has no income because she was “laid off” but was never called back to work. She does have Medicaid and a food card. That’s it! This is America people!!! Please consider donating a small amount so there is at least temporary financial support for someone to come and at least keep her home clean and prepare meals whenever she feels like she can have them. Thank you very much for any contribution.

Organized by

Martha Evans

Chicago, IL, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Vanessa Jones


Comments (2)

Please donate to comment.

Frank knapper  | $50

11mos ago

Bless your heart I will pray for you.

Shay  | $50

11mos ago

Praying for your family… Shay Dorr