About this fundraiser

HI everyone, I have been recently  diagnosed with  breast cancer.I myself have worked in the Healthcare field 20 yrs.Being on the otherside now asking for help is extremely difficult. I have surgery Jan 21st comming up then approximately 4 weeks of radiation.Being by myself and only source of income I am going to be missing time from my job as I recover then go through radiation. I don't know how fast I will recover or how sick I will be  from radiation treatment. I'm asking if anyone would be so kind to donate if possible to help lessen the stress I'm going through.I appreciate you all so very much! Thank you! UPDATE…Currently the Dr.did not get all the cancer (no clean margins) so I am gearing up for another surgery next week again and praying this is my last surgery. Thank you to those who have helped and have checked on me I appreciate you more than you know!!!

Organized by

Shannon Robinson

Chicago, IL, USA
