About this fundraiser

I am a widowed mom of 5 and Mimi to 10 amazing grandchildren that I am SO thankful for! I was diagnosed with stage IV cervical cancer in 2018. I lost the love of my life in 2015. I went through years of chemo, radiation and major surgery…I went through lots of pain, losing my hair twice, being very ill, some complication's etc… it’s was a TOUGH time for us!! BUT, After many, many prayers for a miracle, I was healed and in remission even though the Dr’s didn’t think I would live for 1 year!!! Praise GOD! I do believe in miracles! 
Fast forward to today, my cancer has returned. It is in my lungs now and I am back on radiation and chemo every week but I am very hopeful for a full recovery & another healing miracle from my loving Heavenly Father! I have too much to live for to give up now &  I don’t believe God is finished with me yet, I have a purpose on this Earth! I love helping people and have a heart for others in pain. I share my journey over social media so that it may encourage or help someone else out there hurting and feeling alone. I have an amazing 18yr old daughter (she will be 19 in 14 days!!)  that lives with me in our apartment with a small dog named “Tiny”. I am unable to work at this time and I don’t want to lose our home, or car during this time, not to mention how high groceries are right now and the bills just don’t stop when you get diagnosed with a possible terminal condition. Disability just isn’t enough to live on and my daughter works part time while trying to finish up her senior year at school… she also drives me to chemo, radiation and helps me when I’m sick and weak. We are under a tremendous amount of stress with the bills that are piling up along with some mechanical issues with my car… and she had a traffic accident that resulted in the loss of her beloved truck (that was paid for) the same week I got the call about my cancer returning in October. So, after praying about this,  (it’s very hard for me to be vulnerable and ask for this help!) we decided to start this donation site and see if we can’t get through the next few months until I am once again cancer free and can get back to working again!! God is GREAT & He has always provided for us! I have a tremendous amount of faith and I believe He does put people in our lives to help us when we need it. So, wether it’s $5 or some much needed prayers, we will be forever grateful for anything at all!!! Thank YOU so much for taking the time to read my story… I still believe in miracles!!!! 

Organized by

Keisha Sims

Tyler, TX, USA
