Latest update as of May 04, 2024

  • I met with the surgeon on May 1st, however a surgery date has not been set yet. I do know it will be after Memorial Day because the surgeon is booked until then. It was confirmed that I will definitely not be able to use my arms to help me stand from a sitting position for a minimum of two weeks post surgery. I will update with the surgery date as soon as I get that info. Meanwhile, please consider making a donation so I will have a seat lift chair when I come home. Thank you to those who have donated. And God bless you all.

About this fundraiser

As I begin my breast cancer journey I will be needing some things for home that my insurance doesn't cover. The big thing I need is a seat lift chair. After having a double mastectomy I won't be able to use my arms to stand from a seated position. I'll be spending day and night in a recliner and without the lift mechanism i wont be able to stand independently. Unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover the cost of a lift chair and some of the other necessay medical equipment I'll be needing at home. Your kind donation will be much appreciated. 

Organized by

Cindy Bellotte

Clarksburg, WV, USA
