About this fundraiser

Bret is one of most giving people I know! 3+ years ago his son David  & wife,  were wrongly accused of an incident by a family member. Bret chose to fight for them with everything he had. The hardships this family went through over a made up charge was unimaginable. They lost everything, their home, possessions & the hardest part was the removal of their children into homes that broke their hearts. Bret supported them by getting them housing in a 5th wheel, lawyers, but most of all… HIS FAITH! He stood strong & never gave up!  The case finally went to a jury &  within less than 45 minutes found them ”Not Guilty”. The young person confessed to their lie as well.  Shortly after this verdict,  Bret had a work related injury to his shoulder & after an MRI they discovered not only a torn rotator cuff but a mass. After the biopsy, Bret was immediately put on Hospice for bone and prostate cancer. He used all his money supporting his kids who he knew were totally innocent. The cost didn’t matter. Fighting for truth & justification did!  Bret is known for handing out Hearts! He loves to be moved by the Lord & know exactly who to give them to. Bret is so deserving of our help. Our Life Group adopted his family at Christmas & blessed David, his wife & 4 children with Christmas gifts. David’s  family are so sweet & precious. Bret lives on his parents property to help them in their late 80’s. The last week of May, his Dad was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia, his Mom had a stroke after battling breast cancer, his brother was diagnosed with cancer, his oldest son found an inoperable tumor which will cause paralyzation to his lower body. Bret lent his truck to David to get back on his feet & it was side swiped & totaled. He does have insurance but so many needs are present now & he’s given so much. I want him to feel the giving that can bless him back!  Your prayers mean the most!  Thank you so much and God Bless You!❤️

Organized by

Nancy Hills

Oregon City, OR, USA
