About this fundraiser

My brother, Bruce Jensen- Champlin, MN is currently in the hospital at Mayo Rochester and has been diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer. Bruce is very independent despite suffering from spinocerebellar ataxia the past 10+ years. Bruce walks with a walker,  is a Navy veteran, an animal lover and an avid bike rider. Bruce is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. Bruce’s cancer tumor is large, a bit bigger than a softball and it has grown from his colon into his bladder complicating his treatment. Bruce has been started on immunotherapy and needs your help! Bruce is disabled, living on social security disability! Cancer is not cheap, many aspects of his care insurance won’t cover.  Please help our family cover these expenses. No one should have to fight cancer alone!!!! Bruce Jensen is the son of Melanie Jensen, sisters are Kim Mueller and Kristi Glewwe, brother in law Steve Glewwe.

Organized by

Kimberly Mueller

Coon Rapids, MN, USA


Comments (2)

Please donate to comment.

Connie Lundholm  | $100

1yr ago

We are 🙏 for you all my friend!

Denise Roggatz  | $100

1yr ago

All my love, my friend.