About this fundraiser

Today, we are reaching out with a heavy heart to ask for your help and support in a time of great need. Our friend, Lisa Austin, is facing a formidable battle against breast cancer, and we are rallying together to provide the support she needs.

Lisa is not just a friend; she’s a beacon of strength, resilience, and kindness. She has always been there for us, and now it’s our turn to be there for her. Diagnosed with breast cancer recently, she has embarked on a challenging journey of treatments, surgeries, and medical expenses.

The financial burden of cancer treatment can be overwhelming. Despite her courage and determination, our assistance could help to ensure she receives the best possible care without worrying about the financial aspect. Medical bills, medications, and other associated costs can place an enormous strain on families in these situations.

We are humbly asking for your support through donations. Every contribution, no matter the amount, can make a significant difference in Lisa's battle against cancer. Your kindness can ease her financial worries and allow her to focus on what truly matters - her recovery.

Thank you for taking the time to read Lisa’s story and considering a donation. Your generosity and support mean the world to us and will undoubtedly help in her fight against breast cancer.  Let’s come together as a community and show Lisa that she is not alone in this battle.

With heartfelt gratitude, friends of Lisa Austin

Organized by

Trisha Dion

Burlington, VT, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Lisa Austin
