About this fundraiser

Dear [EVERYONE].  I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Stephen Rock and I am reaching out to you in a time of great need and vulnerability. It is with a heavy heart that I share the difficult journey I have been on for the past few years.In 2015 I experienced a life-altering accident that left me with severe burns covering over 30% of my body, including my face and back. The incident involved boiling hot grease, and the pain and physical challenges I've faced since then have been overwhelming. Enduring the daily struggles of both physical and emotional pain has been an immense test of strength.The scars from this accident have not only affected my appearance but have also led to years of relentless bullying and mockery. The emotional toll has been profound, creating a constant battle against self-doubt and isolation. Despite my efforts to stay resilient, the weight of the situation has become increasingly difficult to bear.I am writing to seek your support in raising funds for a crucial skin graft surgery that will help alleviate the physical pain and, to some extent, restore a sense of normalcy to my life. The financial burden of this procedure is substantial, and I find myself in a position where I cannot afford it without external assistance.Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on my journey towards healing. I understand that times are tough for everyone, and I would never ask if I didn't genuinely need help. Your kindness and generosity will not only assist in covering medical expenses but will also be a beacon of hope during this challenging chapter of my life.If you find it within your heart to support me, please even just a prayer is appreciated,  Additionally, if you could share this message with your network, it would mean the world to me. Together, we can make a difference and bring about positive change.I am truly grateful for your time and consideration. Thank you for being a source of hope in my journey toward recovery.With sincere appreciation, Stephen Rock 🫶❤️

Organized by

Stephen Rock

Cleveland, OH, USA
