About this fundraiser

Hi, I’m making this go fund me to help my cousin get a million & 1 things off her chest.

my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in July 2023. She was in and out the hospital. In the meantime my cousins were collecting funds to prepare for funeral arrangements for my dear aunt because no insurance policy will take her due to her already being very ill. Then the unexpected happen September 5,23 my cousin Kristina (her daughter) unexpectedly passed away in her home. We still don’t know the cause of death but she was so stressed and worried about her mom. All funds that were being saved went towards my cousins getting Kristina cremated and having a small service for her. Not knowing that 2 months later Our Dear aunt Olga was going to be called home. Doctors gave her 6 months & 3 months later she fully declined and went home to be with her parents & her babygirl Kristina. We are trying to raise money to bury my aunt & cousin in their forever resting spot. Any donations is appreciated! Life is so tough for my cousins right now & they are just trying to pull thru! TO KNOW THEM IS TO LOVE THEM!!! Legit the best humans ever!!! HELP THEM GIVE THEIR MOM A GREAT GOING HOME.

Organized by

Bianca Hales

LaPlace, LA, USA
