About this fundraiser

Dear family and friends,

Life has taken an unexpected turn as my battle with multiple adenocarcinoma lung cancer lymph node tumors has entered a new phase. The cancer has returned mutated, becoming drug-resistant and advancing to stage 3. The next step in this journey involves further gene biomarker immunology testing.

This journey began with the initial diagnosis on January 5th, 2023, during video-assisted thoracic lobectomies² and lymphectomies¹⁹ surgery. Shortly after, I was also diagnosed with gastroparesis, or frozen stomach syndrome, for which there is unfortunately no known cure. I have not felt physically hungry for 18+ months. This condition has brought its own set of challenges, including offensive, sewer-like bacterial methane gas oral eruptions, due to delayed passage of food from the stomach. To manage this, I now must wear a 3M M95 mask whenever I absolute must leave my apartment for treatments, pharmacy pick-ups, or grocery shopping. Additionally, the daily challenges of progressing chemotherapy and immunotherapy-induced polyneuropathy during treatments have made it impossible for me to continue driving for work and assisting my medical shuttle bus mobility device clients, leading to my forced resignation in June 2023.

Despite these hardships, living alone in a 55+ community has allowed me to continue helping others. I volunteer every Thursday, split into two, 1½-hour split-shifts, distributing meals to fellow residents. I also avail myself helping neighbor's with transportation to doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, and various other short errands. Serving others has always been an immense source of gratitude and purpose for me, especially during this challenging time.

Unfortunately, I now face the inability to pay rent, and the possible repossession of my vehicle. The Social Security Administration has informed me of a four-month wait for an initial disability benefits determination. Thankfully, I have state-sponsored medical insurance, as many would-be employer-sponsored medical insurance plans do not cover all oncological prescriptions and some treatments.

I am reaching out for assistance with rent, vehicle payment/fuel, and nutritional liquid meal-replacement expenses to sustain me through another month-or possibly two-of treatments. May 1st I embark into the next year of IMFINZI internal port-infused immunotherapy, as part of a possible clinical drug trial in mid-May. 

My primary goal remains the "5-year" longevity goal, and I am committed to fighting this battle with all my strength. At the end of the day, I find solace in the belief and faith that God is guiding us all. All we really have is the next 24-hours to live our lives the way God wants us to live them. 

Contributions to this current-and future-rounds of this fight will be immensely appreciated, and remembered with eternal gratitude.

Sincerely and God bless,

-Peter S.


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** Please schedule and get a routine scan, x-ray screening. Early detection means not ignoring possible symptoms of a larger condition.

Carboplatin and Paclitaxel infusions.

Organized by

Peter Sarafolean

St Paul, MN, USA


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