About this fundraiser

My name is Tabitha and I am disabled and in the middle of a disability determination case at the moment, which means I cannot gain employment. I'm also a single mom with a wonderful 10 year old daughter. She lights up a room and is all around one of the greatest little girls I've ever seen. Of course I am a tad bit biased. On to our problem….

I am normally extremely independent. I have always done most home and vehicle repairs as well as be the breadwinner for my family for over 20 years. I finally got away fom an abusive husband 6 years ago. I have always been able to hold my own and provide for myself. 3 years and 5 months ago I lost my mom. I fell into an awful depression. Coupled with my declining physical health I had to quit my job. A year later I filed for disability. I spoke with a fmily member and a few friends explaining what that entails as far as time I would need to have to depend on someone else for room and board as well as mainaining my car. Well, as can be deduced, the family member and friend I had originally had the agreement with fell through after a year and a half. Within that year and a half I lost my car due to a different agreement falling through. Since December of last year, I've had to sell most of my possessions to pay my bills. That money ran out in February of this year. Since then my daughter has begrdgingly, but has been undertanding, had to live with her dad more while I bounce between my youngest son, my brother and a friend here and there just to keep from burdening any one person continuously. I was lucky enough to have my daughter with me most of the summer but now that school has started she can't stay with me as much because of my transportation issue and the fact her father makes it hard for the both of us. There's a lot more issues but that's another story.

Bottom line is I need help. I've exhausted all that I know, it's not ideal for anyone to have me and my stuff living with them. So I have been trying to find a way to purchase a used truck and camper for my daughter and I to live in. From my research, it would cost anywhere from $10,000-$15,000 to get a decent used truck and camper. My hope is to raise enough to not only purchase the pair, but pay insurance for a year with some set aside for a space to rent as well as gas for a year. 

If you can find it within yourself to help out this homeless Mama, I'd be forever grateful.

Organized by

Tabitha Downey

Fountain Inn, SC, USA
