About this fundraiser

Attention friends and Industry Partners!

We need your help to support our friend Cassie Benedict-Monnens, an Escrow Officer at Alyeska Title. 

Cassie is a loving wife and mother of five busy children ranging in age from 10-year-old twins to an 18-year-old.

You may not have known that Cassie has been battling breast cancer since early April of 2022. 

Cassie had chemo every other week from April to mid-June, then weekly from June to September, all while continuing to work while juggling her family's activities. She is a true warrior, as she has been quietly fighting the cancer, while continuing to work and “do it all”, while dealing with the effects of chemo and immediate chemical menopause like severe nausea, constant pain, and fatigue.

After a bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders placed for later reconstruction in November, Cassie finally received the "green light" in January that things were healed for her upcoming implant surgery. 

Unfortunately, on the very same day, coming home from the appointment, a young man ran a stop sign, totaling her vehicle and re-damaging all of the breast tissue. Since the accident, Cassie has undergone yet another surgery, been fighting chronic pain and was recently released from being hospitalized with a major infection, just this week.

We are fundraising to help Cassie and her family with their financial burden during this tough time.

Please donate whatever you can to Cassie's fundraiser and spread the word to your friends, family and industry partners. 

Any amount, big or small, will be greatly appreciated. Let's show Cassie how much we care and support her on this challenging journey.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.


Friends of Cassie 

In addition, Cassie would like to Thank the First Rate Foundation for their gracious (surprise) support back June of 2022.

Organized by

Amber Brophy

Anchorage, AK, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Cassie Benedict-Monnens
