About this fundraiser

My husband was diagnosed with liver cancer 2.5 years ago. Being uninsured the first year of his diagnosis we used all of our savings. He then was being prepared to be added for a transplant when they found a spot on his lung, cancer, which now has disqualified him for a transplant  for 5 years. 
Life has become overwhelming at this time. His visits to the hospital have increased in frequency and stay-time. Which means that there are extra costs when it comes to finding places to stay in San Diego for at least a week at a time while still trying to maintain our apartment in Tijuana. Unfortunately I don’t know how much longer I will be able to keep a roof over our head.
In December of last year, Randall was submitted to a double trans-arterial chemo-embolization (TACE) to treat his liver cancer. However, with his liver still unable to filter out the ammonia in his body, his health has had a rapid decline. Ammonia build-up in Randall's brain impede him from even the most basic tasks like walking or feeding himself. This is called a hepatic encephalopathy. Symptoms include forgetfulness, confusion, disorientation, and shaking arms and hands. It could eventually lead to a comma if left untreated. 
Since Randall's health makes it so I cannot step away from taking care of him, it is impossible for me to also attend a full-time job. It is very humbling to have to ask people for money. But, at this point, there is no other possibility for us. Anything is deeply appreciated!


Organized by

Randall Lee

St. Clair Shores, MI, USA
