Cherlyn has faced many trials in her life. Her mother died of congestive heart failure when Cherlyn was only 10 years old. Her husband, Matt, was deployed twice to Iraq and she was left to raise and take care of her two young boys without him for that time. Her father died of a heart attack when she was in her early thirties. She found her first lump of sarcoma six years ago and has been battling it ever since. She has been through multiple surgeries, several chemotherapies, immunotherapy, and ultimately an amputation of her left leg, plastic surgery and several additional surgeries. After only a few weeks of being and feeling cancer-free, it was discovered that the cancer had returned and was now also in her lungs. With each trial she has refused to give into despair. Instead of becoming depressed, discouraged or helpless, she faces each trial with hope and determination to make to best of it, have times of joy and to accomplish something positive to help someone else. She never loses hope.
Her greatest desire is to be healed and to use her experience as a testimony to God’s glory and power.
While waiting for that healing, she has reached out to many to help and encourage them in their battle with cancer. She has joined several online support groups for sarcoma patients, amputees and searched other ways to be a positive spot in someone’s day. She makes “treat” bags to take to the infusion clinic for the nurses to share with those who are undergoing chemotherapy. She prays daily for people who are battling illness and other trials.
She is a testimony to the hope and strength that God’s love and the love of Christian brothers and sisters can give even in the midst of devastating circumstances.
Now it’s our turn to pray and help sweet Cherlyn! Join us and let’s fight together to kick cancer’s butt!!!
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Theresa Rodgers | $100
1yr agoShe was an amazing light. I am so honored I got to meet her.
Michelle Schlotzhauer | $100
1yr agoSending prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Anonymous Donor | $50
1yr agoPraying for healing, peace, and comfort
Anonymous Donor | $100
1yr agoFrom Donna with ❤️
Anonymous Donor | $100
1yr agoThis donation is from a Jane & Ron Edgar with ❤️