About this fundraiser

This is my brother, Clinton Rowton, and his wife, Allison Rowton. My brother has end stage cirrhosis. The doctors have put him on a liver transplant list but they said to not get our hopes up due to the list being so long and he does not have that kind of time.

Funds are needed to support Clinton and Allison for his final days. He is still trying to work because they have past due bills and they need groceries. He needs a recliner to sleep in and a refrigerator because their refrigerator has broken. Allison cannot work because she is legally blind. 

Allison has been told to make Clinton comfortable and to make his end of days arrangements. The doctors have given Clinton 6 months or less due to his abdomen filling with fluid so rapidly. They cannot drain him so often because his electrolytes and platelets are too low. They also will not give him pain medications because his liver is just one large scar and can’t process the meds. His kidneys are also beginning to show signs of failure. Everything has seemingly gone wrong for them these past few months. 

I have never requested help like this because my family has always been able to help ourselves but we can’t this time. We would all be so very grateful for any donations during these last days. 

Organized by

Carla Monk

Stevensville, MD, USA
