About this fundraiser

On July 3, 2023, I was riding on one of those rentable electric scooters in Takoma Park, MD, and when I was almost done with my ride and I was slowing down to a stop when my thumb slipped and hit the accelerator as I was stepping off and it threw me off and to the left down to the ground right on my face and left arm. I didn't lose conciousness, but my nose was bleeding and I couldn't move my left hand. Nearby people who saw me fall called 911 and I took a trip to the hospital in an ambulance (1st time!).

My broken wrist
My face damage

After my initial x-ray the PA said I broke my wrist and would need a cast. Then they decided to do a CT scan on my head to make sure there was no internal bleeding in my head since my face did hit the ground. After that was done, the PA came to me and said I broke my nose on both sides too, but my brain is fine. I got a splint and sling for my wrist, pain meds, and sent home.

My hospital splint

On the 5th I received my cast and got more xrays and a CT scan of my wrist. The orthopedic PA said they would call me with my CT scan results in case surgery was needed. 

My 1st x-rays

On the 11th I was finally am notified that I do need surgery because the broken area is in pieces and a plate and screws were needed to put me back together. 

On the 13th I had surgery at the end of the day, they splinted me and sent me home that night. I returned on the 25th to have my stitches removed and got a new cast.

My new cast

Over the past 4 weeks I have been to work 4 times and was not able to stay long. This week I hope to make it in more, but still not up to 100% for at least 2 more weeks.

Meanwhile all of the medical bills are coming in and I really need some help paying them. If you can spare anything, I would be so grateful for your support.

Thank you!!

Dee Dee

Organized by

Dee Dee Lascelle

Germantown, MD, USA
