About this fundraiser

After trying to protect my daughter in 2016 she was took from me system failed us then then after being abused in foster homes she ran & they wouldn't protect her still yet she made survival best she could no mental health treatment & course these things lead to crimes but sierra was forced to do things to save her own life but yet justice system isn't seeing it that way sierra went missing and wasn't found for awhile then when found she got charged with numerous things and has been incarcerated for 3 yrs facing 40 . She's giving up yall she's taking 15 because it's that or get 40 I need a attorney fast why isn't system held responsible or person who was supposed to be providing her shelter . They won't let her plead insanity or that she was under extreme emotional destress or anything . She was a minor when trying her as a adult the lady wasn't even harmed. I don't get it I see so many ppl doing these things willingly and get out after a year or so why are they taking my baby's life from her yet once again . If I can't get her help she won't get to experience motherhood or alot of things please bring justice to her so she can finely be free from her life being took she's suffered enough . 

Organized by

Ashley Smith

Frankfort, KY, USA


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