About this fundraiser

When it comes to our children, there's not much we won't do. So what do you do when your child is hundreds of miles away from you and in a crisis. You do what any parent does; you grab your keys, wallet & cell phone head to your child. A member of the community did just that the other day. However, she didn't go alone. Thursday, our own, Melissa and Lance headed down to North Carolina. Upon arrival, the realization of the magnitude of the situation became clear. Also due to the situation, and due to who it involves, and the fact that everything on the internet lives on forever, I will not say anything more than this. If you feel you need more information before you can donate reach out to me privately and with Melissa's permission, I will divulge what is allowed. Trying to raise funds to help with gas, rentals & food while in North Carolina & the return home which will be TBD. If you can't donate, please continue to share, send positivity and well wishes.

Organized by

Amanda Hay

Dover, NH, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Lance Boulanger
