About this fundraiser

I am raising funds should my father expire. He recently experienced a stroke and an aneurism. Today makes day #12 of him being in ICU. He has Kidney failure, heart failure, as well as Ammonia. He also has dialysis 3x a week (bedside).
My dad is the strongest man I know. Every time he goes to the hospital for one of the medical reasons mentioned above, he always makes it out with a smile. This time I’m not so sure. I see him starring to the other side. Yesterday he practically looked right through me. This so scary! I know he’s scared too. It saddens me because he’s not able to communicate with the  tubes down his throat.

 I’ve never experienced this before. 


Support is very much needed through this time.

Thank you.

Organized by

Derrica Johnson

Wilmington, DE, USA
