Hi! Due to an animal attacking me on Aug 22 of last year, it's been a rough and tough struggle. I was bit over twenty times and several scratches. I have had surgery going thru therapy still, another 6 weeks to go. I go-to Dr appointments and therapy a lot This has caused me to lse use of left hand. My left am , I can't hardly raise. This has affected my job. It's affecting my daily chores. I can't pickup anything with left hand. It's really a struggle. I'm in pain a lot.
I keep telling my self it will get better but unfortunately it's not.
All donations will be and are used for medication, gas, and groceries.
I'm still out of work, don't know if I can get back to work. I have applied for SSI and still not heard nothing. I'm w/ out a lot. I've learned to accept what I have and make the most out of it.
Any donations are way more than greatly appreciated
I thank you
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