About this fundraiser

Hi! My name is Savannah. I'm 38 years old and have a daughter who is 11. I have been in a relationship with someone the past 8 years. In the beginning of our relationship it was just isolating people I considered friends from my life and questioning who I was talking to at any point I had my phone in my hand. First red flag! He then questioned any male friendship I ever had, and isolated me from them as well. He was constantly stalking my Facebook and Facebook friends/family. And would tell me I couldn't talk to certain people or that everyone “wanted” me etc. He isolated me from everyone. He had a problem with anyone who put a heart on any of my post. And it was a beat down emotionally every time he did. Even tho, it was not the same on his end. He started to emotionally, mentally and psychologically lash out and gaslight me and my daughter. He was constantly picking fights, yelling all kinds of profanitys and everytime I would try to get away he would hold me down so I couldn't leave. He would take my keys, or if I made it out the door and if he was angry enough he would run out in front of my car. Again stopping me from leaving. Eventually he began to take over all the bills and made me deposit all my checks and money into his bank account. Stating he was only trying to help. Before my dad died, he also demanded I give him access to my dad's money as well. He controlled my spending and my dad's and has had access to mine and my late dad's money since 2021. He would tell me what I needed or didn't need to purchase and would only send me small amounts of money to my cash app and he would question and berate me any time I bought anything. Or if my daughter wanted anything it was usually a no. He controlled all the spending entirely. I would have to beg to get my nails done or hair cut etc. He even took over my parenting rights with my daughter which is not his. Nothing I said or did was ever good enough, my daughter too. He eventually controlled every aspect of my life and I lost all independence entirely. He would harass me on the phone while I was trying to work and he would beat me down so bad emotionally that it made it hard for me to maintain employment. He also got banned from two of my jobs over the last 3 years. I have worked nonstop throughout our entire relationship. Now I have nothing, no credit, just finally got the job of my dreams and will be making enough to support me and my daughter. He harassed me all day for 3 days when I started my new job. He never wanted me to succeed at anything and said I would never make it. He also never let me go to school. He said I would never be able to handle a job and school. I was never able to follow my dreams. He also would not let me have direct contact with my daughters dad. The entire time we were together he took over the co-parenting entirely. I couldn't even talk to him, without it causing a fight. Even if I was just being cordial. He was and is very jealous of anyone in my life. When I got my dream job I decided this was the time! I could get out! I left him on the 11th after he barricaded me in my ofgive and hit me with the door at least a dozen times. That was it, me and my daughter stayed at a friend's house that night and the next morning I filed a protective order. I haven't talked to him since. We are safe for now, but I need help paying for an attorney so me and my daughter can keep the beautiful home we have. I have to file for divorce and since he took all the money, it's going to be hard for a while. Me and my daughter are asking for help with a good divorce attorney. We have a hearing coming up as well to try and extend the order of protection for a Year, so that me and my daughter don't have to leave our home and the animals we love so much. If you can help, even the smallest amount me and my daughter would be forever grateful and I have always paid it forward. We need to win this, he's already taken so much of us already, I can't let him take our home too. Please, if you can donate it would be very appreciated. And once I'm able to file for divorce I will keep everyone updated. As all abusers do, he has a lot of people on his side because they only saw what he showed outside of the home, not all the damage done to me and my daughter emotionally, mentally and psychologically. We have to repair our lives and start over. I don't have much family left, so I'm asking the universe to help. Thank you, please help us make it out of this without losing everything I've worked for. We deserve so much more than what we have been handed these last 8 years. Thank you and have a blessed day!

Organized by

Savannah Edwins

Chattanooga, TN, USA
