Hey everyone, I’m Justin, and I’m asking for help for a single mom friend of mine who’s going through hell—secretly, ‘cause she doesn’t know I’m doing this. She’s super private and hates asking for help, but she’s always the first to step up for others, like me. She’s lost her home, got separated from her kids, and is stuck in a temporary shelter with a beat-up truck that’s falling apart (needs a new starter, brakes, shocks, and frame work). She spent every dime she had buying that truck to move herself to a better spot, and bam—it broke down right away.
Here’s the thing: she’s got big dreams—she wants to start a nonprofit called Pinnacle Pathways to sponsor single moms like her to kick off their own businesses. She’s all about turning her tough times into something good for others, but she’s too humble to shout about it. I’ve been trying to help her and her family, but I’m disabled, and my fixed income barely covers my own bills. She deserves better—she’s the kind who never asks, just gives. I want to fix that truck, cover shelter and moving costs, and get her back with her kids in a real home so she can chase that nonprofit dream. I’m shooting for $10,000 (starting at $6,500) to pull it off. If we hit this, she won’t know what hit her—in the best way! Any little bit you can give means the world. Thanks from me—and her, even if she doesn’t know it yet!
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