Latest update as of Jun 18, 2024

  • Das Boot!

    Hello all! Frank here! Wanted to share some great news! During my weekly check in with Dr. Pan, I was able to ditch my splint and get into a walking boot! This is huge for my recovery and comfort. The splint and bandages were getting a bit uncomfortable and were not great to sleep in. The boot can be worn during the day and taken off at night. I am very excited to celebrate this milestone. I still have about 4 weeks until I can actually start putting weight on my foot, but when the time comes, I will be ready!

    Dr. Pan also did some maintenance on my wounds. The incisions from surgery and the external fixator were getting pretty thick and a little green so she peeled off the top layers which exposed some very healthy, pink skin underneath. The wounds are healing well and are closed up. Since I don't need big gauze pads any more, we are able to apply Betadine and new bandaids daily now, which will hopefully expedite the healing.

    Dr. Pan was able to bend and flex my foot today with no pain. This was the best news of all, even though I was a little nervous (I haven't moved my foot in over a month). But it encouraged me that the bones are healing well and affirmed that God is indeed at work with his healing power.

    There is one "area of concern" on the inside of my ankle. It is where there was a massive amount of soft tissue damage from the fall. It is a pretty big lump that appears to be filled with fluid. Dr. Pan mentioned possibly getting a CT scan on it down the road and maybe even surgery. Right now, aside from looking a little crazy, it is not painful and does not seem to be limiting my mobility so we are going to cross that bridge when we get there. In any case, I trust that it will be resolved however God sees fit.

    Thank you for the prayers for recovery and healing. God's love and providence has been at work through this entire process. And I know he has been holding me in his arms and carrying me through this temporary suffering. He has been at work through everyone that has prayed or mowed lawns or visited or helped with repairs or operated or drawn blood or cleaned the house or brought food or brought desserts for the kids or bought ice cream or given rides or helped Becca or trimmed bushes or administered medicine or called or texted or encouraged or messaged or contacted after many years and reconnected or donated or accommodated or filed a paper or picked up my slack or been a good sport about dad/Frank being bed-ridden. It has been the most humbling experience of my life and I will be forever grateful for my community of family and friends.

    ‭As Becca and I were reading Ecclesiastes this morning, I was reminded that my body, while it may be broken and need healing, is just a temporary vessel. What happens to us in this life is inevitable, it is how we react to it and the perspective we take that matters. So while I look forward to getting back to "toiling away" day in and day out, I am enjoying this time sitting and being quiet and connecting with God and the people in my life.

    Everyone to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil - this is the gift of God. For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.
    Ecclesiastes 5:19-20

    Thank you and I love you all!


    Das Boot!

About this fundraiser

As some of you may know, our buddy Frank fell off a ladder on Mothers Day shattering his Calcaneus (heel) bone in his foot. His fractures were complex and significant enough to require an immediate surgery, as well as subsequent surgeries going forward. As you can imagine, this is hitting his family of 6 super hard. After a week in the hospital, he was released to go home. He will have to keep off of this foot for months, making stairs (and running around with kiddos) virtually impossible. Accommodations have had to be made so that he can remain on the 1st floor of their home. He's scheduled for another surgery on Friday, the 24th, as long as his swelling goes down.

The Dzupinkas are always the first to lend a helping hand, and now it's our turn to return the favor. There will be health insurance deductibles, accommodations for healing, scheduling concerns, and chores to be managed for the forseeable future until Frank is back to himself. I have set up this fundraiser to help them financially, which is always the most humbling part, but if you can't contribute financially, please consider helping in a more functional way. And above all else, PRAY. Pray for healing. Pray for peace (not just for the environment, but for mental peace). Pray for joy that surpasses all understanding. Pray for the family. Pray for comfort for his wife and children. Pray for Becca as she navigates this crazy journey of being a working mom of 4 active kids and caregiver to her husband. 

I will keep everyone updated on this page as I am updated.  

Organized by

Debbie Hayes

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Frank and Becca Dzupinka
