About this fundraiser


I'm in trouble because I said from depression but in the last years significantly worse. 

Now at the point where I'm afraid to leave the house or so depressed I can't unless I absolutely have to. And even then it needs to be dark outside for me to feel even remotely comfortable. 

Because of this I can't work anymore. Any money that I had saved is completely gone. 

Now at a point where I can't take care of myself financially let alone just take care of myself as far as self-care.  I promise I'm not trying to give a sob story. I'm just trying to explain why I am where I'm at I guess. If you don't suffer from depression I guess it could be hard to understand why people can't just snap out of it.  I used to be better. 

I have an electric bill that I absolutely cannot pay. I have exhausted all of extensions that I can with PSO my electric company. 

I don't have family and friends with money. I don't even know if anyone will ever even see this in time.

Organized by

Candice Houk

Nowata, OK, USA
