About this fundraiser

Hello, everyone! We are reaching out to our community in hopes of raising funds for our fearless dog, Kyloh. He has been diagnosed with stones in his urinary bladder and urethra, and he urgently needs the procedure of a cystotomy. The treatment costs are substantial and, regrettably, exceed our financial means, as we've been managing on a single income for nearly two years and have only recently returned to dual incomes.

Kyloh is not just a pet, but a unique member of our family. His boundless energy, unconditional love, and playful antics bring so much joy to our lives in such a brief amount of time. It’s heartbreaking to see him in discomfort and not be able to provide the necessary care due to the financial restrains.

We are setting up this fundraiser to help cover Kyloh's veterinary bills. Every penny raised will go directly towards his medical expenses, which include diagnostic tests, treatment, medication, and follow-up care.

We understand that times are tough for everyone, and any contribution, no matter how small, would mean the world to us. If you are unable to donate, sharing this fundraiser with your friends and family would also be a huge help.

We will keep everyone updated on Kyloh's progress. We are hopeful that with your support, Kyloh will be back on his paws, wagging his tail, and filling our lives with joy once again.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for your generous support.

Organized by

Adrian Rodriguez

Everett, MA, USA
