Latest update as of Sep 30, 2023

  • Thank you everyone.

    The kindest has truly been great.

    Honestly couldn't do this without you all.

    I'm working on gifts after today's truth and reconciliation march.

    Thank you everyone.

About this fundraiser

Hi. My name is Morgan. Some of you may even know me as Merm. 

I moved to Montreal in Oct of 2022 with 0$. I was forced out of my home where I was helping my elderly mom. Taking care of her, the house, and yard. 

Right now, I'm facing a possible Eviction. I have no where to go… No family to help… This is my last ditch effort to stay afloat until a job comes in… I have several jobs that look very promising, but by the time I get hired and then paid… My landlord isn't willing to wait for rent. 

I've been struggling but staying on top of rent. That is until my job stopped having work. I got a new job in March 2023 , and was caught up to rent in June 2023 when they announced I was let go… I found another job, but it paid min wage and only started in July of 2023. No problem. I can catch up again. 

Between one of my cats getting very sick, paying the vet, bills and then getting laid off as they outsource to India…

 I'm behind in rent. 

The amount of rent each month is 850 with it going up to 865 in Oct 2023. 
So Including Oct rent, I'm behind 3.2 months. I've been paying as much as the unemployment service was able to give… 600… every two weeks… 

Total including Oct rent, I'm needing to get 2765. 

This company suggest asking for more for processing fees…. So I did… any help would be welcome. (Anything extra will be put in savings/ to fix my cat Freyja. She is well enough now to be spayed. 

 I've been applying to jobs like crazy. And working hard… I've never had it easy in life but I never let it stop me. The savings I had pre-covid dried up when I aided my mom in paying her mortgage, repairs for her Jeep liberty and putting down one of her cats.

Right now… my focus has been my cats, and rent. I eat last. I just need to keep the landlord off my back, as his only concern is the rent. I understand. 

My cats are my life. They were there for me until i found a wonderful community of like minded nerds… Not to say they aren't there for me still… They are, but Unfortunately people don't hire them for work haha… 

As I've stated, I have a chance at a few jobs… I just need time. Your help… can buy me some time. 

I want to repay those who help… I can make beaded earrings… knit and crochet… idk.. this is my last cry for help before I end up on the street… with my cats who are my life and sole reason of existence 

Organized by

Morgan Lefebvre

Montreal, QC, Canada
