About this fundraiser

Meagan, Peter, and Evelyn need some support  

6 weeks of continuously being sick led us to the ER following our parent intuition… it was with the ER visit that our world was completely torn apart.

Within 48 hours the doctors broke the news…. Our perfect little baby had cancer… 
…Stage 4 metastatic Neuroblastoma.

We know we have the strength to fight, we did exactly that 2 years ago bringing her into the world, and now we are gonna fight to keep her here.

“This Cancer is aggressive, but we will be more aggressive.”-Dr. O

*to all of our friends & family, we will be updating our social media as we walk through this journey. Please know that this is the most difficult time for us as a family & we may not respond right away but we are so thankful for the love & support of everyone 💕 *

Organized by

Johanna O'Brien

Conroe, TX, USA
