Latest update as of May 14, 2023

  • タロウさんアップデート:TARO 5/13/2023 8:55PM





    Taro was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Despite his condition, first place he went to was a venue where his friends gathered for a memorial party for one of his best friends who passed away last month. Also Taro's restaurant served special meal for the party. While appreciating his support to the party, I’d like him to take a good rest since he just had surgery on Tuesday.

    From today as of 5/13 Saturday, Aoki no chuka is open! You will get to see him there too if you’d like to cheer him up.

    Thank you for your continued support for Taro.


    タロウさんアップデート:TARO 5/13/2023 8:55PM

About this fundraiser

<English below>



実は私の母も16年前に同じ癌を患い同州にて化学療法、放射線治療、開腹手術をしました。母の経験が少しでもタロウさんのお役に立てばと、彼のレストランへ行き色々な話をしました。すると、彼は癌と診断されてからすぐに入れる保険に入ったのですが大半の治療費は自己負担になる事を、とても不安に感じておられました。当時の母も海外旅行者保険しか持っておらず(補償額は2千万円)残りの治療費約数千万円は全て自腹となりました。 アメリカの高額な治療費を自己負担でするのは容易な事ではありません。










Hi everyone, 


My name is Mariko, a friend of Taro from Aoki no chuka in Costa Mesa, CA. 

I am very sad to inform you that Taro was diagnosed with colon cancer on April 12, 2023.

Actually mother had the same cancer 16 years ago and underwent chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and open surgery in California, so she and I went to his restaurant and told him many stories during that time, hoping that my mother's experience would help Taro. He was very anxious about the fact that he would have to pay for most of the treatment himself even though he got insurance policy when he was diagnosed. In fact, my mother also had only traveler's insurance from Japan at the time (covering maximum $200k), so she had to pay for the rest of her treatment, which amounted several hundred thousand dollars, all out of her own pocket. It is not easy to pay for expensive medical treatment in the US.

Therefore, we have set up this page to ask for your cooperation to help Taro.

Furthermore, Taro needs to run Aoki no chuka restaurant and protect his own livelihood even during the treatment period. We would like to ask for everyone's cooperation in helping to pay for Taro's treatment.

By making your support visible, we believe we can give him a lot of power. 


Thank you very much.



Taro IG








Organized by


Costa Mesa, CA, USA

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