About this fundraiser

For as long as I can remember, my desire to provide support and care to other women as they become moms has always been a passion almost as much as my own desire to be a mom. So many people around me told me it would be easy, but I discovered that after years of my inability to become pregnant after years of trying, not trying, not actively preventing, amongst other  phrases/terms that are often used, I was told by a Midwife that I should give up and have a hysterectomy due to my diagnosis of precancerous cells, Adenomyosis and free standing internal bleeding. It’s very different to be able to decide for yourself versus the decision being made for you, so like any other person in my position that would’ve received that kind of news, I broke down completely! After gathering myself, I had a long talk with myself and reach the final conclusion that I refuse to accept what I was told! I started what would soon become years of going through back-and-forth doctors appointments with a fertility endocrinologist before finally reaching the point where an embryo transfer was possible, giving me a glimmer of hope at the end of a long and very dark tunnel. During the years long journey, even with insurance before losing my job, I ultimately ended up having numerous medical bills. While most have been resolved, I unfortunately lost my job directly in the middle of my IVF journey. Now I have numerous bills that have accumulated relating to the extremely expensive IVF cost in the US. While some may say, I could have waited, I have learned along my path that there is no perfect time to have children except when God blesses you with them, and now with the upcoming political season, I am ever grateful that even if I don’t get this opportunity again, I will have had it at least once. After going through numerous procedures, ultrasounds, blood draws, and injections, I felt the need to continue forward regardless to what was going on,  understanding that life can change in the blink of an eye and that I had come too far to turn back. I know that as time goes on, things will get better, but anything that can be donated would be extremely appreciated, and we would be ever grateful as we now are able to share the amazing news that by the grace of our Heavenly Father, we will have a baby at the end of this year!! All donations will go towards paying the remaining balances of medical bills accumulated from the procedures, medications and other related IVF treatment expenses. Each and everyday, we are continually praying for a healthy and safe delivery! God blessed each and everyone of you and sending prayers to all that may be on their own journey! Don’t give up!!! Thank you!! 

Organized by

Juanita Young

Houston, TX, USA
