About this fundraiser

My other half had a headache that wouldnt leave , took him to hospital and got the shoke of our life. He has stage 4 lung and brain cancer, its terminal. We fell on hard times after covid and we lost everything, our van, apartment and business. My honey worked very hard to rebuild business as we were living in a tent. We finally were  moving back up in life, we got a truck and were saving money to buy a house in Tenn. to flip, which has been our dream for years. We have been staying in a hotel . Now we dont know whats gonna happen, he cant work like he was, especially getting treatment, so our savings is almost out. I cant have him living in truck like this. I told him he needs to fight cause i am not losing him. We were our first loves as teens, we reconnected nine yrs ago, and i finally felt complete. He worries about me cause he never wants to see me homeless again, i need him to not stress cause cancer feeds on it. Please anything will help us to keep roof over head so he can fight this horrible sickness. Every day he lives is a gift. He had a rough life and did not so good things as a young adult, but he has totally changed his life to giving back and helping anyone if he can, we dont understand why now hes going through this when he was doing so good and had such plans to help give me my dreams and to help his brother. I need him to live as long as possible i cant breathe even thinking of losing him. 

Organized by

Stacy wing

Fort Myers, FL, USA
