My husband of 27 years, Mark Brenic passed away on April 20th, 2024. He left me with our three adult children and our son who turned 11 a month after his passing. His death was unexpected and sudden. He had told me that he had a small life insurance policy His mother had been paying it though it was a very minimal monthly payment She offered to pay. He believed that the policy was in my name not knowing that she put it in hers. She secretly cashed it at 90 years old and is not giving me a penny. My husband hadn't worked due to mental health issues 17 of the 27 years. I am a disabled American veteran living on my once a month I'm fixed income from the VA. My husband left me with over 27,000 in debt over $6,000 of that was in current and delinquent property taxes and a water bill that was not paid in 2 years on top of approximately $1,000 in utility bills. I have poor vision, we have a vehicle that does not run that has $1,200 needed and repairs which my single daughter raising a 3-year-old who lives with me was hoping to have repaired so she didn't have to pay for a cab to and from work which she has been doing since my husband's death as he was her ride to and from work. Then on top of over $7,000 in credit card debt I am drowning. We were owners of a duplex that is in countless need of repair including a roof that has not been replaced or repaired in over 25 years. We had to discussed after paying the bills moving to a smaller home out of state but there are so many years of accumulation and dumpsters that we need that we can have afford. My son qualifies for a small social security payment however I had none of our documentation other than his death certificate and with the huge amount of bills and trying to keep our house I cannot even afford those on top of purchasing food and I technically have more income than allowable so I do not qualify for any state assistance of any type My only medical and financial support is through the veterans administration. I do not qualify for survivor's benefits as I am only 52. I am just trying to at least find a way as I do not have family financial support to come up with any money to try to catch up. I can provide proof of debts for all bills if needed. Any amount would be gratefully appreciated. Bless you and thank you for reading this.
Organized by
Nicole Brenic
Milwaukee, WI, USA
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