About this fundraiser

Dear Supporters....

Can I Explain My Testimony On How Too Never Trust The Law Enforcement That Supposed To Protect, Serve You?

Never! Try Too Clear Your Name By Any Means Without A Lawyer Present Please You Will Have Too Have Too Pay Your Way Out Of They Corrupted Faces, Places. Sorry For The Lack Of Knowledge Of My Rights, Never Been NO DEEP Trouble That Would Cost Me Fighting For My FREEDOM, Not Become A FELON!

As I Move Off Prayers, Faith... And Almost Lost Hope, Wanted Too Give Up On LIFE! As I Lost Family And Friends, Everything I Was Working In Life Going In Too My Mid Thirties With No Criminal Background That Could Hold Me Back. I Was Doing Well Just Was Investing Into The Right Things In My Life Too Soon Too Be A FIRST TIME FATHER, Name PRINCE DAVIS Soon Too Prepare For A Good Future Ahead Of Me With A Stable Career, Was Going To Also Invest My Credit REPAIR... My Own Box Trucking LLC Or CDL School. Before A Stranger I Met Came Falsely Accused Me Of A Crime After A Rejection. As A Black Men With Low Funds, Rebuilding Myself As A God Fearing Man My Heart Let Me Too Help Anybody But Never Taught Trouble Would Be Easy Too Get In Now Have To Pay My Way Out Of It. At The Time Lack Of Knowledge The Crocked Law Enforcement That Supposed To Protect, Serve The Community For Justice Not A Quick Convictions. They Investigated All Wrong All This Could Been All Avoided If I Was Had A Lawyer Present On With No Warrant Just Volunteering On Investigation Allegation Regarding My Name On 05/04/2023 At The Dallas Police Headquarters. All I Was Trying To Do Clear My Name They Let Go After Questions In The Middle Of Investigation... Remind You If Anybody A Threat Too Society Why Wait Arrest Any Suspect? Especially Accused Confessing A Crime Why Would You Let Me Go Too Committed Any Other Crimes? So Basically Two Weeks Later On 05/26/2023 They Took My Freedom And Fabricated My Story As If I Was SUSPECT! After Arrest I Steady Cooperated, Offer Anything Because I'm Knew They Had The Wrong Person. So I Suffered Everything Losing Everything Again Including The Important People I Had In My Life From Family, Friends, Most Important My Newborn Son! That Lead My Serve Depression, Anxiety Now I Couldn't Sleep At Night Anymore Had Me Question God As What Have I've Done Too Deserve This? On My Knees As I Prayed For 9 Months Serving Time At The Dallas County Jail Where I Never Belong... As I Was Putting Up A Fight Against Two Court Appointed Lawyers That Was Looking For a Quick Conviction With No Help! They Wanted Too See Another Black Men Taking From His Family. And Collect The Funds From The State, Call It Even! All Because The System Is Designed To Target The Race Rather They Innoccent Or Not! With Or Not A Voice Can I Also Tell You How God Is Good? And He's Right On Time Everytime. I Finally Bonded Out On 03/07/2024 On GPS Monitor As I'm The Target Of The Crime I'm Not Responsible Of But I'm Accused Of ... Again If I Was The Person I Wouldn't Never Been Released At All. So A Month Later A Landed Me a Job At Car Rental Place Called Hertz. Now As I'm Providing Starting Over After Losing Everything Finances Was Lower In My Life! Again I'm In My Mid Thirties, Never Been In No Deep Trouble As A Criminal Then Ever With A Bad Lawyers, On Borrow Time Against Corrupted System I Knew God Have Better Days For Me I Was Able Too Save Some Funds To Pay Dues For THREE Important People, Places To Keep My FREEDOM. Which Is My GPS Monitor Fee Is $12 A Day. Now It's 2,000 Added Since Putting That Last Because I Can Have My Lawyer Work That Out Against The Courts. Two Most Important Is Bail Bonds Mans Started After My Released Total Of 5,000. Now It's 1,800. The Most Important My Lawyer Is Asking For 25,000. And So Far I Gave Him 5,000 Already. Including 3,000 Before 10/15/2024. Again I'm On Borrow Time As My God Sent Lawyer That's Review His Law Office Is ''Peter M. Barrett'' If You Looking For A Affordable Lawyer At Any Last Minute For Yourself Or Family Or Friend I Would Choose His Criminal Defense Law Firm. Again I'm Doing This With One Income By Choice From State Right Now. He Can Save My Freedom Against This Corrupted Dallas County Justice System. If Everything Goes As Plan This Will Be Soon Too Be Over With Any Genuinely Any Support Will Help My Family Too Yours Too Save A Man's Freedom, Future For Life He's Deserve Please I'm Asking So I Can Pay My Lawyer! I Don't Want Be Lost In The Corrupted Criminal Justice System... I'm Being Transparent, Honest With My Testimony While Going Mental Health Is .......

Thanks For Any Support I Promise It Will Be Worth It, I'll Be At Peace Again!

P.S. This My Last Hope In Asking For Help As I'm Praying With Faith, Prayers.. I Deserved My Life Back.

Psalm:55 '' Cast Your Cares On The Lord And He Will Sustain You; He Will Never Let The Righteous Be Shaken''

-DeWayne "DJ' Jackson

Organized by

DeWayne Duffey-Jackson

Dallas, TX, USA
