About this fundraiser

Help me save these little children who can’t save themselves


Goal: Get funding to help me get to court, hire legal help so I can finally submit what I’ve been trying since 2022. That’s when I discovered my abuser had also been engaging on online sexual exploitation of little girls


Evidence of 10 under 12


Had someone paid attention the website could have been shut down as opposed to thousands more liking and sharing them to who knows how many more


I’m almost out of time and out of resources to proceed without help. Both due to financial and economic abuse I have endured trying to fight to have this monster arrested.


For all donors: I will provide an itemized ledger of where every penny raised has gone and any remainder of funds to be donated to a nonprofit as well as any court ordered settlement given to me will be donated. This is for the ones with no voice


📢 Help Save Innocent Children from Exploitation! 🙏


I need your support to bring justice and protect the vulnerable. The goal is to secure the necessary funding to help us navigate the legal system and hire the legal expertise required to finally submit the evidence we have been gathering since 2022. Shockingly, our abuser has not only targeted me but has also been involved in the online sexual exploitation of innocent little girls.


There is evidence in my possession of 10 children on this ONE app/website under the age of 12. If only someone had paid attention earlier, we could have shut down the website and prevented thousands of likes and shares, potentially reaching even more victims. Time is running out, and without your help, I may not be able to proceed. This all a part of domestic violence victims like myself that have and are facing financial and economic abuse, leaving us with limited resources to fight against this monstrous individuals.


To ensure transparency and accountability, I commit and promise to provide all donors with an itemized ledger detailing where every penny of your generous donation goes. Any remaining funds will be donated to a reputable nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting victims. Furthermore, any court-ordered settlement received will also be donated towards the cause. This is our way of giving a voice to those who are voiceless and standing up for the most vulnerable among us.


Together, we can make a difference and bring an end to this cycle of abuse. Your contribution, no matter the size, will help us in our quest for justice and protection for these innocent children. Join us in this crucial mission to ensure a safer and brighter future for them.


🌟 Calling for Dedicated Volunteers! 🌟


In addition to financial support, I am also seeking passionate individuals who are willing to lend their time and expertise in researching and compiling crucial statistics and information. As I am currently spending 14 hours a day on this mission, I urgently need your help to make a greater impact.


If you have a strong commitment to justice and a desire to contribute to this cause, we invite you to join our team as a volunteer. Your invaluable assistance will enable us to gather vital evidence and build a comprehensive case against the abuser. Together, we can work towards ensuring a safer future for these innocent children.


To offer your volunteer help, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected]. I will provide you with further details on how you can contribute to this vital research effort.


Your dedication and support will make a significant difference in our fight against child exploitation. Let's come together and be the change these children desperately need.


#VolunteersNeeded #JoinTheMission #ProtectTheInnocent

Organized by

Alexia Salvati

Atlanta, GA, USA
