About this fundraiser

6-07-24 Update

Frankie's family was immensely saddened by the unexpected passing of Falcon's father, Johnnie. Living with the unknown is a constant dance of Grace and the year has brought many challenges, miracles, and surprises along the way.

Any friends wishing to give Frankie a short visit, please text her to check in. Frankie's health journey continues and she could still use our support and donations. 

Out of necessity, she has been working as a Doula, a career she finds fulfilling and meaningful and hopes to expand when she is fully recovered. Due to her ongoing healing process, she is only able to work part time and as a New Provider with MediCal, there are significant delays in billing.

These types of delays have also been an issue with disability and public resources---a six month process is still in the works---so a lot of "hurry up and wait."

In addition to the usual living expenses, Frankie must move in September and asks that her friends please keep their eyes out for a sweet new home in Sebastopol for her and her son.

If you are able to contribute financially or have a lead on a rental, she is, as ever, humbled by your generosity. She has expressed her gratitude for the beauty of Spring and the loving and continued support of her friends.

Thank you for your kindness.


Hi Everyone!

3-24-24 Update

Frankie is resting after a month of part time. She loved the work and looks so forward to more, but must obey the body as it heals---taking care of herself and trusting the process.

There were some challenges with applications for support and that is now handled and will hopefully be processed soon and help out with food and other necessities.

In the meantime, she could still really use help from those of you who have the means. She is incredibly greatful and appreciative.

Thank you so much.


3-04-24 Update

Frankie has had many joys and challenges since the last update and she had a birthday last month! She has been strong enough to start working again part time, which is huge!  She is learning to manage her health and healing while working---no small task, as you can imagine, but she's been greatful for the challenge.  It is quite a dance, remaining peaceful and calm while navigating the balance required for both healing and activity. She is experiencing much growth and gratitude for all the support she has recieved.

She has been incredibly appreciative and humbled by the help, love, and generosity from her community, her friends, and compassionate strangers, as well as the life saving Ceres Food Delivery, which has recently concluded. She is now purchasing her own groceries.

She continues to need support during this transitional time. Her immediate needs are meeting rent and addressing her salvaged vehicle (and being prepared to replace it at some point). 

Thank you so much!



Happy to report that Frankie has more energy and is capably of working a couple hours a day without jeopardizing her healing. 

She has applied for social services and is waiting as one would expect. 

She wants to thank everyone for their support, care and love. She is very grateful.

On the practical side of things, she continues to need funds to meet her expenses. If a monetary gift is not possible during the Holidays please continue to share the "give a hand" link with your community and social media networks. 

Every little bit adds up and is immensely valuable in helping her keep her focus on getting better.


11-21-23 Update:

Frankie's healing journey continues. As a normally quite active person, the pace of it all is a humbling and sometimes frustrating experience.  She experiences fatigue, aches and pains, and naturally there is a lot to process.  However, she has built enough stamina to stand and cook and do her own laundry most of the time, which is huge!  Her blood count and vitals are improved, she is receiving care addressing flexibility and scar tissue, and she is incredibly grateful to everyone who has helped her and continues to help her to cover expenses in this challenging time.


10/12/23 Update:

Yesterday, Frankie was tired. Learning to rest on demand is her practice but over all she says she's doing really well.
“Its a walk of faith and patience," she says.

Frankie continues to be in need of assistance with cleaning and laundry days. If you can lend a hand reach out directly to her.

She has concerns about the weeks and next few months ahead for rent/expenses/groceries as she does not have the stamina to work. If you’re heading to Costco or a market and are willing to text her for a couple things she needs that would be super helpful.

Lastly, if anyone wants to share her link online that may help cast a wider net.

Thanks for all the love and support! She truly lives in gratitude of her community and for the present moment. 

9/28/23 Update:

Frankie is learning what it means to rest. This is NOT an easy lesson for her.  She needs assistance with many tasks to stay resting and not straining her body as it heals This means she has to have to have patience to wait for someone to help lift laundry baskets, unload the dishwasher and so many other things she once did effortlessly and will again, just not right now. At this time, she is still unable to resume work and is relying on donations for her groceries and basic supplies. She is able to take short car rides to get out and experience the beauty of the seasons changing.

This site continues to be necessary to support her and her son during this challening time. Every gesture of support regardless of size is received as a huge gift to her. She wishes to communicate that she is immensely grateful for all the support that has come her way thus far and has sustained her in such fundamental ways. 

Please forward the link as she does not wish to be a burden on people who have already helped out. She thanks you from the bottom of her heart.


8/31/23 Update from Frankie:

Dear Friends and Family and even Folks I don't know YET,

I'm so happy to report that I am getting "discharged" from the Physical Therapy portion of Home Health this week!  By their standards, I'm healthy: great vitals and increased stamina every day and no complaints on my part so they are done.  I took the therapist on a faster 2 block walk (instead of the normal 1 block) and he laughed and smiled as we spoke of mindfulness and vision.

I am so grateful for your continued support as I navigate this "uncharted" healing journey.  Your generosity of spirit and time, along with food deliveries, funds and personal care for me, my son and our sweet new home and garden have made this process rich with love and community.

With new strength and endurance I am now able to lounge on our patio with winter veggies sprouting and flowers; enjoying the late summer season.

I am full of gratitude for each day and so thankful for your care and concern. 

Being free of pain and sleeping through the nights now for almost 3 weeks is wonderful.  I attribute this progess to biomagnetism. This modality has become very prominent and powerful in my life. 

One day I will start writing. It will be an epic story to share but for now, with your continued love and support, I will keep practicing being in this present moment.

Loving and Living.


8/14/23 Update:

Frankie is receiving excellent care and she shares enthusiastically that she feels great and is stronger every day.  She is called to stay "neutral" in the present each and every moment. She is so grateful for all of you and is overflowing with your love and support. 

Enjoy these final weeks of summer.

In Big Fat Gratitude.



Here is an update from Frankie:

She shares her gratitude and immense love for all of you who have taken the time to pray, cook, clean and give in all the ways you have. 

Her transition home from the hospital after a week stay was amazingly graceful.  Her blood counts have already risen beyond doctors expectations which she attributes to sleeping through the night without interruptions and being fed amazing healing foods from her friends.

She is gratefully receiving all the love, care, prayers, and Healing from the Divine.


My amazing teacher and friend, Frankie Travis, is experiencing an urgent health challenge and I am asking for financial help and prayers for her at this time.  The diagnosis is still being ascertained, but a CT Scan showed that multiple organs are effected: breast, liver, lung, right ovary and spine.  She has had a blood transfusion and is awaiting biopsy results.

As some of you may be aware, she has been functioning for some time now with significant physical distress---I've been in awe of her courage and toughness, continuing to teach while in agonizing pain.  At this time, she is not able to continue teaching and is gratefully accepting assistance with rent, medical, groceries and basic needs for her and her son.  

Frankie and her profound work has been a tremendous, life changing gift to me and I'm sure to many others. I really want to see her stay on this planet and continue the work and care for her lovely son. I invite you to see her restored to her Divine Blueprint, healthy and whole. She is a miracle prone person and I know she can do it with our support.

For those who can't spare a financial contribution, dropping by food would be really appreciated, as well as your prayers and healing energy. 

If you prefer to use another funds venue (Venmo, check, etc.) I am happy to help facilitate this. 

With Gratitude, Thanks, and Blessings,

Clemintine Guirado

[email protected]

Organized by

Clemintine Guirado

Sebastopol, CA, USA
