Latest update as of Jan 17, 2024

  • Why I think Phelps is horrible

    So, mom’s accident was August 31st. Due to issues in the past with Phelps, I did NOT want her to go to that hospital. Due to the amount of head trauma, I had no other option but to allow it.

    From the very get go, they were horrid. Mom had been in a room in the e.r. for about 30 minutes when I finally saw her. She was still actively gushing blood, and it appeared NO ONE had cleaned her or attended to her wounds. My sister in law and myself actually got gauze and started cleaning her ourselves. Then, there was a male nurse who would throw his hands up in exasperation if we asked him even the smallest question.

    The doctor told us that mom needed to go to an ent in 7 days after the swelling went down, that nothing could be done until then. He said he saw several “small foreign bodies” in her mouth, but he was sure it was her lower dentures. I was upset at the time and didn’t catch it. She doesn’t wear her lower dentures! And she has six real teeth!!

    In my opinion, they treated my mom like she didn’t matter because she was “elderly.”

    Fast forward to about a month ago. Mom asked me to look in her mouth, her lower lip. She said it was hurting really bad. It has been hurting her since August (we kept the ENT appointment…she also noted the foreign bodies and did nothing.). When I looked, mom had what resembled a white head/canker sore. It busted open a few days later and a HUGE ROCK came out of her mouth.

    You read that right. The E.R. “Doctor” sewed my mother’s mouth shut with a damn rock in it. I have since gotten the MRI from that day. She has (what I’ve counted) about 10 rocks in her mouth. I’ve uploaded the one that worked out that day. You tell me if it looks like her “dentures.”

    He also tried to say he flushed her mouth out. I was in that room…he never did. Mom could not tolerate that.

    She’s had at least 5 rocks work their way out since August, and none of them have been small. For the life of me, I don’t know what they actually did. And she’s getting her hospital bills now, I don’t know how we’re gonna do it. She’s going to owe several thousand dollars.

    Why I think Phelps is horrible

About this fundraiser

On August 31, my mother rode her bicycle to my house to bring me some home grown tomatoes.  We live in the country, with no neighbors other than each other.  Mom was extremely happy that day, and had her new dog, Billy, running beside her.  She told me she was going to riide to the end of the rode with her dog.  15 minutes later, I look out my window and see my mom walking across my yard with a bloody face.  She didnt know where she was, what happened, or what year it was.  She looked like a car hit her.  She has a crushed sinus cavity and broken nose.   Theyre telling us shes going to need some massive surgery.  But in true mom fashion, she refused to be admited because shes worried about money and everyone else.

Mom has always helped others.  For her entire life, she has been an ardent animal activist and rescuer.  She is extremely passionate about every animal (except grandaddy longlegs).  She also became a CNA and CMT. She worked for years in nursing homes and was a home health aide.  

Her whole world revolves around her grandchildren and great grandchildren. As a matter of fact, her first words to me when she became coherent was to ask how she was going to get one of them to court now that she had no glasses.

I'm at a loss.  Mom needs help, but she would never ask for it.

Organized by

Tammy Moreau

Waynesville, MO, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Donna Loney
