About this fundraiser

Update: 7/19/2024: Unfortunately yesterday the doctors told Frank and my mom Frank only has a few more weeks left to live. Frank is unfortunately in liver failure. This also changes a lot financially for them…
- with this information we will be pushing to make the benefit happen as soon as possible. We are looking at August 24th. It will be held at Moonshiners Bar & Grill in Mays landing. I will know a definite date on Monday. Location is a definite. This being said, if anyone would like to donate a basket, gift card, or gift certificate for the Chinese Auction please reach out to me. On Facebook my name is Jessica Crystal. My phone number is 609-513-2419 feel free to text me and I can help figure out how we can get the donation. We would like a large turn out for the benefit, as this will be a time my mom needs a village the most. That being said, we are aware everyone has busy lives. If you’re unable to make the event please share share share. Every share is appreciated.  

My siblings and I are starting this fundraiser in hopes to help lessen the financial stress off of our mom and Frank. Frank recently found out he has stage 4 small cell carcinoma in which is has taken over his bones, and liver. Unfortunately Frank's cancer isn't curable. They will be traveling to Philadelphia in the near future pretty regularly to attend appointments to try to keep him as comfortable as possible, and to do more testing. Frank is currently on Palliative Care. Frank is the sole provider for their household, which includes our mom and a small army of recuse dogs. While at the moment, Frank is on short term disability and has health insurance both will come to an end in the future. While Frank has medical insurance the cost of his medication is insanely high, but a necessity in order to keep his pain at a minimum. They are currently awaiting a PET scan that will hopefully give them more information on where this all started, and an idea of the road ahead. This fundraiser is to hopefully give them a cushion to not have to worry about gas, tolls, parking fees, medication expenses, ext. That way his disability can keep the roof over their heads, bills paid, and food in the house. There will be a benefit planned for the future, and my siblings and I will do our best to keep everyone updated on how Frank is doing. 




On behalf of Rocky, Gina, and I… We'd like everyone to know we appreciate any and all help and prayers. This news wasn't expected, and we are trying our best to make sure our mom can focus on keeping Frank comfortable, and can get to his appointments with the least amount of stress as possible. Our mom has devoted her life to saving abused dogs all over the world, she is actively volunteering at a local VFW, and is the first to try to figure out how to help when someone needs it. We are grateful to everyone who's able to be there for her and Frank in this time of need, even if it's just praying for them. 



Organized by

Jessica Yard

Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
