About this fundraiser

Dear supporters, I am hoping to help my friend Gordana who is currently hospitalized with terminal lung cancer stage IV. My dear friend was alone with no family members on her end other than her daughter Ivana who was recently laid off from the job. Hospital expenses are very high and in order to continue to care for her health my friend relies on your help. 
Please help Gordana to have decent care and end-of-life care on this earth 

With your kindness and support that will not be possible 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God Bless you all 

Organized by

Mirjana Filipovic

Vancouver, WA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Ivana Levine


Comments (1)

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Selma Krnjic  | $100

1yr ago

Sending positive thoughts and prayers. Family Krnjic and Filipovic