About this fundraiser


With a heavy heart, I am asking for help for funeral expenses for my uncle who sudden passed away  couple days ago . He was a  loving father, brother, son and uncle. 

Unfortunately I'm standing here in a position and I  never thought we would be in, specially  my son Derrieck he is very  close to him he is really  hurt when he got a call from my cousin   that my uncle sudden died from gastrointestinal bleeding  the news to us is very painful  because we never gonna see him again we can't able to say goodbye  because  we live  far away from him my uncle Ronnie  touched so many people’s lives, he  was loved by many.  Although we didn’t see him as much as we  wished. I can only recall the good memories I had with him he is the person always positive in life never complain how hard life is, He have a big heart person I know he  is very kind and he love helping others.
The entire family is in despair.  We ask for your help during this difficult time. All donations will go towards funeral expenses to give him the proper burial he deserves and to his two kids .Thank you. 

**Uncle, of all the many blessings, however great or small.
To have had you for an uncle was the greatest one of all. 
The family chain is broken now,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God takes us one by one
the chain will link again. ** 

R.I.P. Tio Ronnie  You will be missed but never ever  forgotten. Your memories will always be held dear to our families hearts. We love you.

Organized by

Sheryll Barker

Bellingham, WA, USA
