About this fundraiser

This will benefit my wife to be able to get the urgent cardiac catheter ablation she is needing done my wife is 40 years old was very healthy until recently having a heart attack and Supraventricular tachycardia and now needing to have a cardiac catheter ablation done by an electrophysiologists and the nearest one to us is five hours away she has gone through so much in this hard time and with us having to be there for a week or more the cost of hotel and food and gas has caused a financial hardship for our family anything you could donate would be appreciated and can help her get to her procedure and bring the quality of life back we are needing to raise the money as soon as possible this money will help cover gas hotel and food during the time frame we will have to be there for. Getting your support will mean the world to my family helping us get her the help and care she needs to get the quality of her life back. I will be forever grateful for any support that you can give to help during this time of need and to help my wife get to this procedure that will help her heart work properly again. 

Organized by

Lawrence Lighthill

Redding, CA, USA
