About this fundraiser

After wrapping up eight years in the military, I decided to try my hand at adult education, by helping students (16 year old plus aged individuals) achieve their high school equivalency diploma. I discovered the greatest need for this work was in central Louisiana, so I packed up my belongings from Tennessee and headed to Louisiana. 

It's been a rewarding experience just six months into this new journey. My students have been very successful, and I feel like I'm certainly helping them to achieve their goals and dreams! 

Unfortunately, it's cost so much more money than I could have ever imagined, just to move to rural Louisiana and get a solid start for myself. From rental costs & utility deposits to gas prices, and even sometimes having to covering meals for my students if they are going hungry…. It's a shocking reality. This new adventure has definitely been an exciting one so far, but it's nearly pulled my heartstrings directly into bankruptcy at times.

I enjoy my new profession, but it makes it tough to create lesson plans, figure out how to make each class session creative, and foster a positive attitude when I'm freaking out in my own headspace, about how to cover my rent and utilities for the month. 

It would certainly help me greatly if you would consider donating, what you can spare, in an effort to help me better establish myself in this new town & profession, by allowing this GED teacher the chance (and breathing room) to keep my head & heart in the teaching game and out of the poor house!! 

Thank you so much for considering my cause and for your support!! 

Organized by

Justin Terry

Many, LA, USA
