my life changed on February 28th, me and my 6 year old daughter were having a usual day about to have dinner when we heard a loud bang. I ran to the front door and one of my neighbors was screaming for me to get out right away,the fire had started at the apartment next to mine and was spreading rapidly. I had time to grab my daughter and her coat ,2 dogs, and phone . I lost all of my clothes, my kids toys ,furniture, photographs (memories) amd most of all our home. Its definitely a shock …my daughter keeps asking me why us? but i have no answers , I just thank god we made it out alive . Any help would be appreciated, it makes things difficult to get help from any state agency because i was renting and was not on the lease(suprise to me). Any help would be a blessing to help me and my family rebuild and restart our life.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
allison SAWYER
Virginia Beach, VA, USA
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