About this fundraiser

Aloha, welcome to our fund raising donations for Kanaka Maoli to return back to our Aina. The support you give will be to help myself and 2 other Ohana in raising donations to return back to our Aina Hawai'i. For those who understand that we as Kanaka Maoli Hawaiians have been being pushed out and priced out of our own Hawaiian HomeLands for over 100 years. We appreciate your kind hearts for understanding our desperate need to wanting to return back home. We myself and 2 other Ohana Kanaka Maoli would appreciate and love any support that you would care to support us Kanaka Maoli myself and 2 other Ohana that are trying so hard to return back home where we belong and any love as we are heart broken that we even had to leave our Aina. We just know that it's time to return home and with the support that you can donate to help us get home would be never forgotten, and we hold you very close to our hearts and appreciate all the Alohas that you can donate to us Kanaka Maoli. Mahalos for taking the time to read our hearts. MAHALO NUI❤️

Organized by

Makahilahila Burns

Tacoma, WA, USA
