About this fundraiser

Hello Family and Friends! 
Today, I reach out to you with a request that is incredibly close to my heart. For those of you who don’t know, my amazing husband, has been battling cancer since April 2019. He was first diagnosed with Stage 3 Kidney Cancer and caught it early enough where he only needed a partial nephrectomy in May 2019. He follows up every year for 5 years with routine blood work and more imaging. While we may not understand how Michael feels, I can assure you that he is scared to get the results with fear the cancer may return. 

On December 25, 2022, his fears became a reality. Only this time, the cancer was not in his kidneys, but in his prostate. The doctor does not believe that the 2 cancers were related in anyway, just a stream of bad luck. After numerous tests and several hospital trips, Michael then had to have surgery on March 7, 2023 to have his prostate removed. We had hopes that after this surgery, he would be fine and Michael would be cancer free. Sadly, when he went back for his 3 month  follow up, his blood work came back high, which means the cancer is back, Only this time we don’t know where the cancer is.  Michael has a few things working against him this time. His cancer is very aggressive and it had leaked out of the capsule, meaning this cancer can be anywhere! Michael  then had a PET Scan on July 6th to determine where the cancer cells are. He will begin Hormone Therapy July 14th and will need radiation treatments, everyday for 2 months. 
 As you can see, Cancer has completely turned our lives upside down. It has stripped away our dreams and aspirations, replacing them with countless hospital visits. 
Michael‘s strength and resilience throughout this journey has been nothing short of remarkable, but we can't face this challenge alone.
With Michael being out of work for months and all of the previous outstanding medical bills, along with the upcoming treatments, I have realized that we need help. With everything that he is going through, the last thing I want him to worry about is money and how our bills will get paid. 
I am kindly asking for your support, please spread the word. Even if you are unable to donate personally, your efforts might reach someone who can make a life-changing difference. 
We appreciate any assistance, no matter how big or small. 

If you have any questions, would like more information, or wish to offer your support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

You can contact us directly at 856-537-0335 or [email protected] 

Organized by

Toni Pratt

Glassboro, NJ, USA
