About this fundraiser

I am doing this campaign to ease some of the pressure off my husband where the bills are concerned.  Right now, neither of us are working and haven't since Jan. of last year.  I have a disability and am waiting on a decision from the SSA and he, well, has ST3 cancer and spent 4 months in the hospital, fighting sepsis and gangrene caused from a diabetic ulcer on his left foot.  He finally came home on Friday, but basically has no muscle in his legs from being in bed for 4 months, hooked up on IV filled with antibiotics to fight the infection.  He is very weak when it come to doing anything involving his legs.  He is a truck driver and wants to go back to work as soon as possible, but while in the hospital, he was diagnosed with colon cancer, ST3 and is getting ready to start chemo and then radiation.  We plan on beating this ugly disease but he needs all the help that he can get.  Right now, he is getting LTD from UNUM and that just covers rent, car payment, utility payment and cell phone.  There are other bills that need to be paid, I.E. utilities, scripts, we have two dogs that need veterinarian care as well and at this point in time, we are lucky to have a few dollars left over for food and other necessities.  Althought we cannot pay it back, we can pay it forward and that is what we plan on doing as soon as that is possible.  In the meantime, I need for him to relax and focus on getting better!  We have been together for over 32 years and I won't be able to continue if, God forbid, something happens to him.  I just need for him to focus on getting well and not bills!  Anything will help and will be greatly appreciated!

Organized by

Roxanne Gross

Beavercreek, OH, USA
