About this fundraiser


My body has experienced severe symptoms for the last couple months and I can use help for funds to receive necessary tests and food.

The symptoms I am experiencing are shortness of breath, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, histamine/mastcell issues, heaviness, fatigue, brain fog, racy mind, mental issues, digestive issues, occasional numbness and tingling in toes and feet, sensitive skin to touch, and other symptoms.

My health journey has been up and down and I am trying to get down to the bottom of it.

My plan is to get tested by a Mold/Environmental&Biotoxin Illness Doctor/Practitioner. With them I can test for mold illness which I suspect, Lyme and whatever else they recommend. To get a plan of attack to restore my body and mind.

Any help is appreciated as I do everything I can to restore my health. 

Thank you, <3 


Organized by

Chad Smith

Murrieta, CA, USA
